Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fashion Faceoff

Who can do Nautical Chic better? Marc or Stella?

Fashion Relifief for Haiti

"Funds raised at the show will go towards ensuring mothers and babies are at the heart of the Haiti's new health system"

Thank you Naomi, Kate, Geri.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Foxy Mama

Oh how I wish...
One day I'll be a part of it all, one day.

I could devour the Oscar de la Renta Fall 10' Ready to Wear.
You have to be a WOMAN (WOO-MAN) to wear this collection. A fine, strong, sexy woman.
Sorry kiddies, play time is over.

The Man himself.

I love it! I think the fur makes it doubley sexy!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Never Forget You

In honour of Alexander McQueen.
We love you.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


This is the best yet!
I'm just so crazy attracted to the prints and eccentricity (sp?) and electricity!
If I'm evolving, this is definately the best stage!
Can you tell that I really love it? I'm using so many exclimation marks!
If anyone knows where I can buy, please notify me!

Love you all!